The children and young people meet together in Church House on Sunday mornings, with age-appropriate songs and activities. We start at 10am (the same time as the main service in Church), with a time of collective worship, then the young people meet in smaller groups, based on their age. The groups are:

Followers - 3-6 year olds
Explorers - 6-8 year olds
Adventurers - 8-10 year olds
Next - 10 years upwards

Each group has a mix of adult and young leaders and covers a Bible study relevant to their age range. The youngest children have a story and activity, followed by time to play with toys, whereas the oldest children will do a bit more reading and a bit more thinking!

If you'd like your child to join with us on a Sunday morning, please bring them along - we will need emergency contact details and note of any medical conditions / allergies that are relevant. Our Children's Worker is Rachel Grove-Smith: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.