St Michael’s Church is a lively evangelical Anglican church situated in the centre of Braintree, Essex. Please join us for any of our services or events.
Please note that this Sunday (30th March) we have a Mothering Sunday family service at 10am. We will be joining with local churches for our 6.30pm service, which will be held at St Paul’s Braintree (not in St Michael’s church). Please also note that the clocks go forward one hour on Sunday.
Easter at St Michael’s
Tues 15th to Thurs 17th April
SMASH Holiday Club: primary school children
– pre-booking required
Thurs 17th April – Maundy Thursday
8.00pm – Holy Communion
Friday 18th April – Good Friday
9.30am – United Service at St Michael’s
followed by a Walk of Witness to George Yard
3.00pm – An Hour by the Cross
Sunday 20th April – Easter Day
8.00am – Holy Communion
10.00am – Easter Family Praise
6.30pm – Holy Communion
Everyone is most welcome to join us
We have services every Sunday at 10am in St Michael's Church. The first Sunday of each month is normally a family service and on other Sundays, there is an adult service in church, Junior Church (3-14 years) in Church House (our church halls) and creche (pre-school age). Children & young people always start in church and go out to their groups
We have services every Sunday at 6.30pm.
We also have a 4pm traditional Holy Communion service (Book of Common Prayer) on the first Sunday of each month.
We have a number of other groups, activities and events - details are on our weekly Notice Sheet and monthly LINK magazine (see the Notices section of the website).
We send a weekly email, with updates of events, groups and other things happening at St Michael’s. If you would like to receive this, please email and I will make sure you receive this.
Wishing you every blessing,
Rev Nigel Adams
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website:
“Cast all your anxiety on God, because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7